So what have I been up to since the last post?
Knitted some more on my sweater. I've got most of the body knitted and as usual with stockinette it is all curled up and not very photogenic.
Cooked up and dehydrated some ground beef we found on sale to make backpacker's gravel for camping and such.
Starting to finish our remodel of our travel trailer. We have one bed frame installed but can't seem to get to the other because life is interfering.
Hubby's mother entered hospice and has passed away. The dear lady is now without pain for which we are all very thankful.
We decided to trade our diesel pick-up truck in that we tow the trailer with for a gasoline powered one. That will lower our one-n-only payment. The good news is the loan isn't for any longer than what was left on the diesel. A little monetary breathing room would be nice.
We've been kicking around the earth boxes idea. The cost is way more than we can afford so I've been looking at DIY clones of earth boxes. I think we will use that guy's idea with the wicking system that I saw in this video. We are hoping to get some kind of garden this year because it is still very dry here. So unless we get a lot more rain this spring, things don't look good for crops or forage for animals. The watershed ponds are still dry.
That's about it except our anniversary rolled around this month. We went to Emporia, KS and picked up Sister Suzy. Then, the three of us played in the hot-tub and heated swimming pool for two day at the hotel.
I hope everyone has a good day!