Friday, September 13, 2013


There was a fire in the apartment complex across the street from ours.  A young lady with waist length hair was hopping around on the back of the fire truck unloading hoses.   I stood at my kitchen window shaking my head.  Not at the fact there was a female firefighter but at the loose hair.

Over forty years ago I watched a co-worker get scalped because she didn't have her hair tied back and up.  Her hair got caught in a conveyor belt.  I stood there getting sick to my stomach praying the firefighter didn't get her hair caught in or on something.  Man!  I don't ever want to see someone get scalped again!  She did get her hair tied up.   I don't know if the guy working the truck with her said something or she just finally had time to take care of it.   I guess memories like that never lose their vividness.

If I was still a drinking person, I'd have a couple of shot of tequila to get rid of the willies.


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