I finished the puzzle book and it is now in the trash! I went to this web site and downloaded instruction on how to work the puzzles. Piece of cake! I had more trouble with a level 2 puzzle than I did the level 4 puzzles. If only crossword puzzle worked out so easily!

Next Item. Derek's quilt.

I decided to do the Attic Window treatment to the blocks. I used a modified version of the Easy Attic Window. I saw no point in the second cut and seam. Less cuts and seams for me means less matching and more satisfaction with the finished product. KISS it works every time!

Thursday I went to Jenny's and had her lay out the blocks where she thought they ought to go. We had enough blocks left over to add another row. So the quilt has grown to be at least a regular size and may end up queen depending on how much green I think it needs between the blocks for balance. While that is fermenting in the back of my mind I have been working on the last item. . .
Sister Suzy's sweater.

The gradual color change is coming along nicely. After showing my plan to my sister and a friend, who are both artists, and both saying they thought it would work, I have foraged ahead. The back of the sweater has some long floats so when I get to the last section I may try to do some duplicate stitches.

Well, that's all folks!
Have a good day!
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