New curtains! The boys' cowboy curtains were too dark and this is my room. So I spied some lace curtains. An improvement, but let in too much heat. They looked too white trailer-trash, which I am, but they were over the top.

I found some unbleached batiste eyelet, fancy that, in amongst the fabric. It was long enough for the width of the window but not wide enough. What to do? So I slept on.

Next morning I came into the room and out of the corner of my eye I saw a strip of applique that I had made for a quilt I didn't use. Ah Ha! It was long enough but not wide enough. I went to digging in the left-over quilt backings and found a piece of unbleached muslin in the right color, width and length. Whipped them together Sunday afternoon. I have been looking at them since Sunday and still like them.

Things I could have done different. Figured out how to have gotten the pink band of applique below the eyelet with the unbleached muslin for the hem. Or the band of applique smooth, without gathering on the curtain rod, and gathered the eyelet to the applique band. And no, I am not going to experiment, I'm lazy. Looks nice, the band at the top gives the eye a little jolt though.

I got six tubs stacked up cutting board on top. See that white cardboard box beside the tubs and next to the file cabinet? That is my Q-snap quilt frame taken apart and stored in its box. The one big tub with all the white has the quilts that need to go back into the frame and 3 tops in it, sigh. Now the center of my floor is open for more tubs to come upstairs!

My rolling drawers beside the sewing machine(my precious) full of thread and buttons. Two drawers of sewing machine thread, one drawer of hand quilt thread (me thinks a life-time supply), and the bottom drawer full of buttons, elastic and other closures(another life-time supply).

The drawer unit under the light switch. Top drawer is pencils and office supplies. Second drawer is needles, pins and empty plastic boxes.( Mother collected them.) Third drawer is quilting supplies. Forth is quilt bindings, bias tape and laces. Fifth drawer is zippers, yes, a life time supply of zippers. Bottom drawer is embroidery supplies with an additional shoe box of embroidery floss which will also out live me cause I don't embroidery like Mother did. In between the drawer unit and the dresser is some of my stash of cardboard for making bolts for fabric storage. Some day I will have all the fabric neatly stored, so I know what I have. It will make finding fabric a lot easier.

A drawer full of fabric wrapped on cards and waiting for me to use up! I still have a few drawers I can fill with fabric. I have one more tub of fabric from Mother's. Then to start on my fabric!
I hear the dishes calling my name. Yuck! When I'm rich and famous I'm going to have a maid. Rrrriiiight! Judy
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